The Antipodean Artisan's Story

Monday, 18 July 2011

A cause for celebration

Just a quick note to you all

I am almost a British Citizen!!! 

Yes folks, I will be exactly 1/2 Brit and 1/2 Aussie by this time next week.  I still have some hems to sew, so I'd better get cracking so I have something to wear.  Must wear a dress made in the UK for my UK citizenship ceremony right? If only I had time to make a whole new one.  My sewing room is half packed up and my list of things to do before the movers come is huge!  If only I had time to make Gertie's dress... I think that's a project for when I get back.  Maybe I'll make it my frst one.  It will help the Nameless Cat and I get used to our new home.  Yes folks, she's coming with me.  She just might be called the Two Thousand Pound Cat once we are there....

Ohh... and I think I have a new name for the Aussie blog.  It's still a secret, but amazing how much time I've spent thinking of something good. I hope to blog more, and sew more as I'll be with the Fairy Godmother who is an awsome quilter, and near Patty and Jane who will be not far away and fellow sewing buddys.  Ahhhh I can't wait.  And for those of you in Australia.... I can't wait for regular trips to Spotlight and Lyncraft!  Does anyone know of any other cool fabric stores and yarn stores to check out? 

It's all getting exciting now.

See you soon



  1. Lovely to hear from you again, and such good news too! Well done you for forking out to taking cat with you, lucky cat! Enjoy your citizenship ceremony - now get sewing and you'll be the best dressed there ;-)

  2. Oooh! Exciting! Really glad you're taking the cat, was beginning to think we'd have to fight over who gets the cat to let you go home! ;)

    Can't wait to see what you make to wear! Gertie's dress thing is very tempting isn't it? I know someone who's going to do it so will make her the guinea pig and see what she thinks of it!

    Good luck with the move!

  3. Goodluck... it's not too bad being british !

  4. There is a dingy fabric store at the top end of Bourke Street that is having a closing down sale. It has been there since forever and when I asked when he closes he said when the last bolt of fabric leaves to store. There are thousands of bolts. Literally packed to the rafters. So he'll be there for a while. He will be selling by the roll and doing "a good price" or so he assures me. I would be happy to take you there. I look forward to the squeal when you walk through the door. And you'll need someone to help you carry out the fabric!
